KillHouse Games – End of Year One

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Hello, friends!

2013 has been a great year! From the start of our crowdfunding back in March we’ve seen a huge wave of support and enthusiasm which we truly didn’t expect. Whether you bought the game, voted for us on Steam Greenlight or just pressed “Like” on a YouTube video, we want to thank you all, without you we wouldn’t have made it this far!


We struggled with many difficulties, met and surpassed many obstacles, but we’re still here to tell the tale. We took Door Kickers from an idea to a real game that people have lots of fun with. We reached our target budget for Door Kickers and even surpassed it – this means we will be able to deliver you a better game next year.


More important than this, you helped build a community around Door Kickers, which is something many “triple A” games never manage to do.


We have so many new features incoming we would fill an entire blog post about them, but we won’t spoil the surprise just yet. Thanks to you, we now definitely have Multiplayer and Coop added on the to-do list. How and when, thats still to be decided.


So here’s to 2014 and making the best tactical game there is! Tell your friends, keep spreading the word and continue being the great supporters you have been up until now, and together we’ll get there 🙂


And to show you just how far we’ve come, we’ll just show you a screenshot from our beginnings:

From this 🙂












To this:















Happy New Year!

Your Dev Team @ KillHouse Games