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Introducing Door Kickers – The Web Comic

Witness NCPD’s finest as they go on missions, tackle bad guys and…get caught up in the game’s interface. Expect the unexpected!
Akimbo Ranger Unit Reveal

Highly trained in the use of worn-out government-issued handguns, the Pointman dominates Close Range space without ever needing melee weapons or even holsters. Once properly upgraded, he gains access to dual handguns and becomes the Akimbo Ranger, the ultimate pure CQB death dealer in Door Kickers metaverse as well as in a few others. Moreover, […]
Door Kickers is part of the new Humble Indie Bundle!

There are some other cool games in it as well 🙂
Rock Paper Shotgun interviews Dan Dimitrescu However awesome his design skills may be, they are no match for his squatting skills.
Door Kickers 2 – Task Force North

Update: As of November 2018, Door Kickers 2 is still in development but obviously delayed The sequel to the critic and public-acclaimed Door Kickers moves the action to the Middle East and puts the player in control of military Special Operations Teams fighting an elusive Terrorist Network. Gone are the SWAT shields and tazers, enter […]
Italian, Chinese and Japanese localizations in Steam Workshop

Since we added support for translation mods, Steam users have been hard at work adding new languages, check them out: Italian Japanese Chinese (1500+ subscribers!) If you don’t have the Steam version, you can still download them by using this tutorial.
End of Year Three

Hello, friends! In the last year, we have seen Door Kickers being released on mobile platforms, with iPads, Android tablets and phablets getting full attention from us. We designed a new interface taking into account touch based interaction, fingers covering the screen and all the issues related to how people hold tablets in their hands. […]
What should our next game be?

At KillHouse Games, we have great ideas for our next game and know what we can bring to the table. But we wouldn’t be here without our fans’ support, so its time to ask you guys & gals – What should we be working on? Click here to vote:Â
New iOS+Android update!

Door Kickers has just been updated for iOS and Android. You now have the option to run the game in other languages. For the moment this includes Spanish, Russian, Polish, French and German. If you spot any translation mistakes, just write us an email. There is now a bunch of new content by the means of […]