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New Update!

Hello, KHG crowd! A new update is out for your game, which brings new content to the PC version. Content should be now even all across the platform range that we support, but there’s extra stuff to follow. The PC build now includes an option to run the game in other languages (text only). For […]
You can now kick doors on Android!

LINK And as a first time event, it will also be playable on phablets (large screen phones, 5.7+ inches). Let us know what you think and make sure to message us if you have problems downloading/playing the game on your particular device. Yes…yes they do…
New update for iOS!

Hey there, the new update was just released on iOS! Features: – 4 new maps – 4 new weapons Fixes/Improvements: – Crash on certain maps. – iTunes music not working (in-game music will now pause when using iTunes). – Being able to restart while in IronMan mode. – Stinger grenades will no longer explode […]
Next update for iPad

First of all, to all iPad users having problems with the current version: we’ve already submitted a new patch to fix existing crashes and other issues, which should be live this week. We are also constantly fixing bugs as they come to our attention, so if you find any issues, please make sure to let […]
Door Kickers update + iPad version!

Today we celebrate the launch of Door Kickers on iPads, which is a big milestone for us and a project we had in mind for a long time. But since you are reading this announcement you obviously are a PC player and want to know how this affects you. Here are the quick facts: Door […]
Door Kickers iPad is now complete!

Starting tomorrow, Door Kickers will be available on the AppStores in New Zealand and Romania. Initially, the game will only be available in a couple of countries, since we need to make sure that we iron out all of the problems before launching everywhere else. -The world-wide launch should happen in no later than two […]
Door KickerZ revealed!

You guys have constantly asked us about the next update. Now, after years of silent and selfless work, we are ready to reveal it – the Door KickerZ is real!!! It’s been 2 months since the conclusion of the “Terror at Sea” campaign, and a sinister sub-plot comes to light. The police have failed to […]